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 Seabirds | Ducks | Hawk-like Birds | Shorebirds | Gull-like Birds | Owls | Hummingbird-like Birds | Jays and Crows | Swallows
 | Wrens | Thrushes | Warblers | SparrowsFinches

Special thanks to my fellow travelers and bird spotters, Ms. Judy Buffa and Ms. Charlotte McAleer, for helping me spot these Alaska birds.


Click on the links below to view my photographs.
Please email me using the mailto at the bottom of each web page if you find I have misidentified birds.

Pelican, Cormorant,  Anhinga, Loon, Grebe, Shearwater, Booby
Whistling-Duck, Swan, Goose, Duck
Hawk-like Birds
Osprey, Falcon, Caracara, Kite, Eagle, Hawk, Vulture
Plover, Stilt, Avocet, Sandpiper, Dowitcher, Phalarope, Killdeer, Oystercatcher
Gull-like Birds
Gull, Jaeger, Tern, Skimmer, Alcid, Kittiwake, Murre, Puffin, Guillemot, Auk
Owl, Nighthawk, Whip-poor-will
Hummingbird-like Birds
Hummingbird, Kingfisher, Motmot, Swift
Jays and Crows
Jay, Crow, Raven, Magpie
Swallow, Martin
Chickadee, Titmice, Nuthatch, Wren
Bluebird, Thrush, Robin, Catbird, Mockingbird, Thrasher, Waxwing, Starling
Warbler, Parula, Redstart, Ovenbird, Waterthrush, Chat
Sparrow, Towhee, Junco, Longspur, Grassquit, Seedeater
Finch, Crossbill, Redpoll, Goldfinch
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